
Thursday 29 December 2011

Hidup Kalau...

Hidup ni hanyalah sementara. Hidup kalau fikir hal keduniaan memang kacau. Hidup kalau asyik fikir nak bersaing dengan semua orang memang susah. Kita memang tak akan jadi sama macam orang lain. Sampai bila-bila pun. Tak ada sesiapa pun dalam dunia ni yang sama nasib dan rezekinya. Sedangkan kembar seiras pun cap jari berbeza. Setiap orang tu berbeza-beza, kalau kita duk fikir nak bersaing siapa lagi bagus, siapa lagi kaya, memang kita takkan puas hati. Memang lumrah hidup manausia tak akan puas dengan apa yang dia ada. Nasib kita takkan sama macam orang lain. Kita mungkin kurang bernasib baik daripada orang lain dan mungkin jauh lebih baik daripada mereka.

Hidup ni kalau nak senang dengan jalan mudah je memang makan diri sendiri. Tuhan memang suruh kita berdoa kalau nak kan sesuatu tapi diikuti dengan usaha. Kalau nak dapat sesuatu dengan senang atau dengan cara kotor memang akan tercapai tapi ianya takkan kekal sampai bila-bila. Ingat! benda yang senang dapat selalunya akan senang hilang. Jadi, bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian.

Mungkin kena bersabar sikit. Sabar. Cakap memang senang tapi nak buat tu payah sangat. Tapi kalau sabar sikit je, Tuhan akan bagi reward kat kita. Memang payah nak telan ubat yang pahit. Tapi sooner or later kita akan get used to it.

So tak perlulah nak rasa sakit hati dengan orang lain atau tikam belakang kawan sebab kita tak sehebat mereka. Instead of buat macam tu, better kita aim apa yang kita nak dalam hidup ni. Hidup ni bukan untuk puaskan hati orang lain, bukan untuk buat dajal kat orang tapi hargai apa yang kita ada. Kalau kita tak terima seadanya, kita takkan bahagia.

"when you can't have what you want, it's time to start wanting what you have"

Thursday 22 December 2011


Telefon hilang. Hari ni hari yang sedih. Dari pukul 1 petang lepas habis menonton 'Songlap' kat wayang Sunway Pyramid sampai la sekarang ni. Hari ni rasa sangat kosong. Telefon hilang rasa macam separuh dari hidup ni hilang. Telefon tu pun bukannya mahal dan canggih mana tapi sangat selesa guna telefon tu. Bukan la nak tuduh sesiapa yang mencuri, memang yang mengambilnya tidak pasti siapa tapi yang pastinya orang mencuri tak akan mengaku pencuri.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Hello, What's Your Name?

Name. It is the first thing you mention when you introduce yourself to others. Some people have a very long name, some have very short name. Name of a person usually will be given by our parents at the time we were born. Every name given has its meaning. Good meaning mostly. But sometimes we don't realise that how important for us to bring the name in a respectful way.

I do believe that name sometimes can influence your behaviour. This is because name is like a 'doa' (pray) for the owner's name. For instance, when I was watching a drama at TV3 few weeks ago, 'Yang Terpuji'. It's about a very mischievous kid name Ahmad Muhammad. But his dad call him Mamat. So, his teacher advise his father to call Ahmad Muhammad with his actual name not the nickname. Why? Muhammad means 'the praiseworthy' unlike Mamat, which means 'dead'.

So we can see that name bring the big impact on ourselves. Some of the nickname will change the whole meaning from our actual name. I think if it is so difficult to call your own children their actual name, why not just give them a very short name with a good meaning. Good example : Yasmin (Jasmine). She will always smell good.


Friday 21 October 2011

The Biggest Book Sale In The World!

It's Big Bad Wolf Book Sale! 
Reading is part of my hobby that I love to do in my free time. When I read I will be in it. Sometimes it really makes me feel that I'm not in actual world when I was reading a book. Unfortunately, books in Malaysia are not as cheap as what I heard in many western countries. If I want to read English books, most probably I need to have higher budget compare buying Malay books. In order to save more money, my sister and I will buy second-hand books at pay less book in Subang Jaya. But when I heard about the biggest book sale here, I was so excited to go there.

Surprisingly, most of the books there are sold at the price RM8. Even the hard cover one. I was telling to myself : "This is awesome! HIP HIP HOORAY!"

Finally I bought 14 books + another 2 books with my sister.

Black or White

So which one is the best? Vanilla or Chocolate? It doesn't matter as long as it taste good. Same goes to the colour skin. Which one is the prettiest? It doesn't matter as long as the person itself has their own best quality.

Believe it or not, Asian people are so admire anyone who has fairer skin colour. Having a drop dead gorgeous looks always related with having fair skin as well. That is why we find that lots of Asian are so fond using bleaching whitening product in order to have more noticeable look.

However, there is different viewpoint from the west where the western people are so eager to tan their skin and sometimes they even go to tanning salons to get their best tanned skin. For them, having a tanned skin colour will make them sexier. In short, for them tanned skin = SEXY.

Why is this thing happened? Firstly, some of them are not thankful. Cannot accept themselves as the way they should be. As we know that human always want what they don't have it. Secondly, they being so superficial. Finally, we are actually so influenced by the media which always define being pretty is like this and like that. The definition of beauty itself has been limited in certain angle and being standardized by the media. For instance, if you want to be a model you need to have fair skin colour. WTF is this shit? Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by colour, not the colour skin.What happened to the quotes by Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, "beauty is in the eye of it's beholder" ?     It's outdated?

Again and again, which one is the best? The best part of the beauty is which there is no picture can express it.

Monday 10 October 2011

$$$ Is Everything!

Really? Some of us will think that way especially in searching the right one to spend their life with. Think again. Money makes you happy and everything to you? For me, money isn't everything  but almost everything to me.

I have some of my friends who really demanding in finding their life partner which I think it is normal because marriage is a serious matter and it is something that you should accept the positive and negative side of your partner. Even if they have bad breath when he/she wake up in the morning, that is the person you should be with entire of your life.

So, while we were discussing and talking about what the main criteria that a man should have in order to marry you (my girlfriends), most of them respond by saying, "first of all he should have deep pocket". Surprisingly, one of them told us that she don't mind if she's not happy as long as she marry a tycoon and be a lady with leisure.

Yes, I do believe that money is important when you get married. For instance, a man should have enough money to support his wife and the kids in future. Furthermore, I also believe that financial constraint sometimes can leads an argument in a marriage. But think again, you should be in charge of money, not the other way around.

"It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good too to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy." - George Lorimer

Saturday 8 October 2011

You Are What You Read



We all know that reading is a good habit. There are a lot of reading material at the bookstore currently such as comics, magazines, novels, education books, newspapers and etc. The more you read the more knowledge you gained? I think it's not about how many books you read, it's about what you read. The contents are more important as I do believe that what we read will reflect our personalities. As what Ralph Waldo Emerson who was an American essayist, lecturers, poet quoted that "a man is known by the books he reads".  For examples, a person who reads comics usually has crazy ideas, a bit childish and it usually relates with a boy's life. A person who reads magazines are usually into fashion and up-to-date about it. Whereas person who reads novels are usually will automatically categorized as emotional, love to fantasize and mostly they are women readers. In short, the most important thing is what the benefits that you gained from what you read. "You're the same today as you will be in five years except for the people you meet and the books you read " - Charlie 'Tremendous' Jones.