
Monday 4 March 2013

Good Intention + Good Relationship = Great Result!

"Good things happened after we set a good intention."

Being a journalism student where you have to meet deadline to accomplish your assignment, set a suitable date to interview for your assignment given by lecturers is not an easy task and it stressed you out sometimes. However, whining is not the way you express yourself as I always try to enjoy every single thing that I do even though it's impossible for me to do it. It's not easy to achieve your goal. All you need to do are put on more efforts and try to enjoy it.

I love to meet various people, exploring new things and places, share experiences regardless who they are. I am truly believe that as a journalism student, I could learn so many things not just from an educated people but also from someone who is less educated.

This semester, I had given an assignment from my lecturer which need me to interview an icon which I was so sure it would be a famous person. The first thing came on my mind was, we (my friends and I) are just students. Most well-known people won't entertained students. And it's not easy to get in touch with them.
I was right for my first attempt. It was very disappointing as I never thought I would get negative answer from someone who is less-known.

I almost gave up, and wondering why I didn't get what I want as easy as my other friends? Then, I made a list people that I think I like and interested to get to know and write about them. I prefer to write about someone that I admire, not just famous with gossip and controversy. Quality is the keyword. 
So, there you go..

Today, I learned a lot for someone that I adore since I was a kid. She's a well-known person and I never thought I get motivated by her.

I just realized that everything we do must begin with a good intention. Why? Some says being good is boring and bad is the new trend? Why not we are the one start to do something nice? I could say that it is the key to bring what you aimed for.

When you start to believe what God could do the best for you and start your day with a good intention, to share what you have; experiences, advises with others, everything will run smoothly.
In the end, happiness is what you get. 

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Insurans Untuk Mulut

Aku memang suka ikut mak aku pergi beli barang-barang dapur. Tak kisahlah, pergi pasar tani ke, Tesco ke, Mydin ke, atau pun Carrefour. Dulu aku dengan mak aku ni memang pelanggan tetap Tesco la kiranya. Tapi sejak akhir-akhir ni aku pujuk mak aku supaya bertukar kepada Carafour or Mydin. And definitely not Giant because I had bad experience with their management. Tesco as well. Too crowd and less cashier.

So, nak jadikan cerita satu hari aku pun pergi ke satu pasaraya yang terkenal dengan barangan harga rendah ni. Staff supermarket tu memang sangat helpful. Bukan nak kata apalah, yang aku perasan kalau pekerja bangsa asing ni kalau kerja memang bersungguh-sungguh sikit berbanding pekerja tempatan. Nak-nak kalau pekerja perempuan. Sorry to say this, but not all of them just most of them.

Hari tu lepas dah shopping barang-barang dapur, aku and mak aku decided to go somewhere nearby the supermarket. So, sebab barang-barang tu berat, kitaorang letak sekejap kat tempat simpan barang yang kitaorang pun tak tau it's not allowed for us to do that. Sebab loker tu untuk barang-barang luar bukan barang dari pasaraya tu.

And nobody inform us about that.

So, masa nak ambik balik barang kitaorang (oang lain yang jaga kat loker tu) ada mak cik tunggu and pandang aku macam gangster and bebel-bebel nak marah pak cik yang jaga loker tu sebelum ni, cashier yang suruh aku letak barang kat situ, dan tak ketinggalan aku. aku pun kena maki juga. Sebab? Aku letak barang yang dibeli dari pasaraya tu kat dalam loker tu. Masa mak cik tu pusing belakang aku sempat jeling kat mak cik tu tapi aku terperasan cctv.

Aku memang terkejut and spechless sekejap and terus blah. Bila mak aku find out mak aku complaint to customer service HQ supermarket tu. And the next day mak cik tu dapat warning letter.

The conclusion is, customer is not always right. Memang aku admit yang aku buat salah. But please, please, please susun sikit ayat tu dan bukan maki-maki customer. Frankly speaking, aku pun tak ada niat pun nak tutup periuk nasi mak cik tu. But she's almost 50's and buat kerja yang kena deal with customers. Sangat tak sesuai. 

Aku harap kalau mak cik yang dah berumur tu janganlah kerja yang deal with customers sebab bila dah tua akan cepat jadi tension. At the same time kesian pun ada.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Tips To Be Discipline

Hello my blog! I skipped to blog on August and I felt so bad for myself as I already promised myself to keep on writing either on my diary or blog no matter how busy I am, so that I could improve my writing skills.

Today, I finally managed to blog after having a long semester break and a non-stop celebrating 'Hari Raya', visiting relatives and friends.

I skipped blogging for a month! And I even forgot how do my blog look like. My huge problem is I keep postponed so many things, like every single task that I need to do in my daily life. And it makes me feel like I'm a lazy person and useless. No matter it involves my studies, chores, managing myself, read newspaper daily, and etc I keep postpone it; even if it took only 10 minutes to be done.

Hence, I googled this for myself  :)

How to be disciplines:

1. Do it now
Instead of relaxing and dreaming almost the whole day after back from my class, I will force myself to do everything that I need to do IMMEDIATELY! So that I don't feel susah hati and menyusahkan diri sendiri later on.

2. Prioritize My To-Do-List
I'm the type of girl who really love to buy those fancy diaries so that I could encourage myself to write more on it. One of them is a to-do-list diary. Or nowadays maybe to be easier and portable is to make a to-do-list in my phone. I will make sure the most important thing will be the first thing I've done followed by others.

3. Plan To Arrive Early
Yes, I used to arrive early to class and when I arrived early, I automatically tend to be a diligent student and I could do more things during my free time in class or library. Unfortunately, since the classes for this semester are mostly started at 0800, how early I could be?

Hopefully these simple 3 tips could help me out to change my bad behaviour.

Whatever it is, by hook or by crook I really need to change and I will update my improvement in two weeks from now. Wish me luck!
Byebye! :)

Sunday 8 July 2012

Bersusah-susah Dahulu, Bersenang-senang Kemudian

Belajar. Waktu sekolah dulu memang aku paling tak suka bab-bab nak pergi ke sekolah, apatah lagi kelas tambahan semua tu. Kalau mak aku daftarkan aku tusyen pun aku banyak berangan je dalam kelas. Maklumlah, masa tu gatal. Zaman-zaman baru nak naiklah katakan. Cikgu yang mengajar pun bengang je tengok aku. Setiap kali dia tanya, "Yasmin, faham tak?" Aku akan jawab, "bolehlah sikit-sikit".

Jadi, keputusan SPM aku pun bolehlah sikit-sikit (kalau budak zaman sekarang cakap cikit-cikit/ shikit-shikit jew). Lepaslah untuk aku sambung diploma kat UiTM ambil diploma pengurusan perniagaan.
Waktu masuk universiti la, aku betul-betul fokus untuk belajar. Semua benda kena berdikari buat sendiri dari A-Z.

Akhirnya, grad juga aku...on time.

Kawan-kawan aku mostly sambung buat degree in business related. Manakala aku pula nak sambung belajar jurusan yang aku idam-idamkan selama ini. Journalism. Ya, dalam bahasa melayu nya kewartawanan.

Tapi bila aku lihat kesenangan hidup beberapa kawan aku yang selepas diploma terus kerja, aku macam rasa penat betul nak buat degree. Memang aku sangat seronok belajar kewartawanan, tapi tipulah tak rasa tak sabar nak habiskan. Kalau nak diikutkan hati aku yang sedang melonjak nak pegang duit ni, memang lepas diploma aku rasa nak je pergi temuduga untuk pramugari. Dapat, tak dapat belakang kira.

"Min, work hard first, relax later". Itulah yang mak aku selalu pesan kat aku. Mak aku paksa aku habiskan degree sebab paling cikai kalau nak selamat sekarang dan nak apply kerja kat dalam atau luar negara mesti ada degree. PALING CIKAI.

Bukan nak merendahkan sesiapa, tapi dunia sekarang sangat demanding. Kalau sekarang perlukan degree, zaman anak aku; master? Ph.D?

P/S : Baru-baru ni aku saja buka salah satu oil and gas company punya website. Career opportunity for fresh graduate paling cikai nak degree in any field of study with cgpa at least 3.0. 

Saturday 7 July 2012

Only Body Language Needed

I love to travel either inside or outside of Malaysia. One of my 'must go list' destination is Italy. Yes, Italy. But before I go travel, I used to Google the do's and don'ts in the country (even though in some states in Malaysia).

When I was watching 'eat, pray, love' movie, I learned that in Italy we should learn the body language in order to be entertained by the locals, such as while ordering coffee at the cafe or to express your feeling.

So, I found this video on Youtube. Enjoy watching! :)